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Congratulations to 2020 Leadership Studies graduate, Charity Voskuil!

Author: rcooney

Charity Voskuil will receive a Leadership Studies Certificate and a degree in Civil Engineering from Iowa State University. Congratulations, Charity!

What are your career plans after graduation?

I currently have no job lined up for after college, however, I am pursuing the opportunity to be a part of a church plant in Nairobi, Kenya and do mission work throughout Sub-Sahara Africa.


What other goals do you have for your life after graduation (hobbies, travel, self-improvement, etc.)? 

After graduation, I would like to spend more quality time with my family and friends and continue to be involved in the church. I would also like to finish my bucket list. This includes visiting the 5 states I have left to visit, singing karaoke, becoming fluent in American Sign Language, and learning to fence.


What was your favorite Leadership Studies class? And why?

My favorite leadership Studies class was LD ST 422. I learned the most about leadership theory and got the opportunity to practice real leadership every day.


How do you feel Leadership Studies has made an impact on you?

Leadership Studies has opened my eyes to the many different types and needs of leadership. I also learned that leadership is more learned than inherent in people.


What activities, clubs, groups were you a member of at ISU?

I was President of the Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society, on the 2020 ISU Homecoming Cardinal Court, a Vermeer International Leadership Program Scholar, part of the Society of Women Engineers Program for Women in Science and Engineering (WISE), ISU Theatre, and the University Honors Program.


After your time in the program, what is your definition of leadership?

Leadership is an always evolving process of motivating others to work towards a common goal.


What is your favorite memory from being at ISU? 

Spending time with the incredible friends that I have made while at ISU.


What would you say to someone considering a Leadership Studies minor or certificate?

Do it. It is worth the extra time and effort.