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Congratulations to 2020 Leadership Studies graduate, John Murphy!

Author: rcooney

Johnny Murphy will receive a Leadership Studies Certificate and a degree in Speech Communications with a minor in General Business from Iowa State University. Johnny was also a Vermeer Scholar in 2017. Congratulations, Johnny!

What are your career plans after graduation?

I will be working for an IT staffing company called Brooksource located in Minneapolis.


What other goals do you have for your life after graduation (hobbies, travel, self-improvement, etc.)? 

I’ll be picking up some new hobbies to meet some people in a new city such as hockey and woodworking. Can’t wait to establish myself in a new city!


What was your favorite Leadership Studies class? And why?

I had the privilege of being in the Vermeer Program. I was beyond blessed to work hand in hand with 20 of the best leaders I have ever met, learn and grow rapidly in this program, and then you add a global trip on top and it doesn’t get much better.


How do you feel Leadership Studies has made an impact on you?

It has allowed me to apply skills that I picked up from all over campus. I could see my hard work paying off and helping others.


After your time in the program, what is your definition of leadership?

It’s hard to say, but I think it can simply be put as…One’s efforts to create positive change and make a difference in a place that is in need of help.


What activities, clubs, groups were you a member of at ISU?

I was Vice President of the Leadership Studies Club, part of the Vermeer International Leadership program, Senior Director of Communications within student government, and a two-time peer mentor for LD ST 270. On top of that, I was a Cyclone Aide, Cyclone Aide Advisor, and participated in intramurals and student government.


What is your favorite memory from being at ISU? 

My freshman year we had an insane basketball team and every game from that year was amazing! Hard to beat a Denote Burton drunk!


What would you say to someone considering a Leadership Studies minor or certificate?

It’s a chance to see yourself grow. Other programs teach you many things, but this program allows you to succeed and just as importantly, stumble at times. The staff is there to help when you stumble and make you even stronger!