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Congratulations to 2020 Leadership Studies graduate, Macy Gilliland!

Author: rcooney

Macy Gilliland will receive a Leadership Studies Minor and a degree in Public Relations from Iowa State University. Congratulations, Macy!

What are your career plans after graduation?

I plan to work in sports administration.


What other goals do you have for your life after graduation (hobbies, travel, self-improvement, etc.)? 

I hope to travel and learn to play the ukulele!


What was your favorite Leadership Studies class? And why?

LD ST 322 was my favorite class because I learned so much about myself as a leader while also getting to talk with other openly and freely about ideas. It really opened my eyes as to how leadership is so collaborative. It’s what started me wanting to learn how to be a better leader.


How do you feel Leadership Studies has made an impact on you?

It has made me understand the difference that great leadership can make and has made me see how I can be part of the change. I have learned how to show people they are valued and cared about while being able to help them achieve what they want to. It has also made me work at being someone people want to trust and turn to. It is one of the most important and life-changing fields someone can educate themselves in right now.


After your time in the program, what is your definition of leadership?

Leadership to me now means helping people work collectively towards a common goal in a way that accounts for, supports, and values all the members. It is working collectively with people for the greater good of all while respecting people and encouraging their involvement in every decision.


What activities, clubs, groups were you a member of at ISU?

I worked in the Iowa State Athletic Office and was a member of the Alpha Chi Omega Sorority, Sports Media Club, and First Amendment Committee. I was also inducted into the Tau Kappa Alpha Honor Society and Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society.


What is your favorite memory from being at ISU? 

My favorite memory was going to my first ever ISU football game and hearing the Cyclone weather alert siren for the first time.


What would you say to someone considering a Leadership Studies minor or certificate?

Be ready to explore yourself and your understanding of others. But know that it will be the most interesting and beneficial thing you may ever do.