Axel Leadership Development

About the series

The Joni and John Axel Leadership Development Series provides an academic foundation for students interested in leadership theories and practice. The three courses that make up the series are designed to provide an introduction to leadership, to promote critical thinking and to learn how to conduct research in the areas of leadership.

The series is made up of courses taught by the faculty and faculty affiliates of Leadership Studies:

Leadership Styles and Strategies in a Diverse Society (LDST 3220)

This interactive seminar provides examination of a variety of leadership theories and practices. The core themes of the seminar are diversity and leadership—how individuals differ in their styles of leading and how to understand and work with diverse populations. Students are expected to find their own effective leadership style and learn how to interact with other leadership styles in diverse groups.

Women, Gender, and Leadership (LDST/WGS 3330)

This seminar is designed to provide students with ideas, information and insights that pertain to women and leadership. It aims to help students develop an understanding of the challenges women face and the opportunities women have for leadership, the reasons why women accept or decline leadership opportunities, and the skills and abilities that women bring to leadership. Current issues and trends of women and leadership are examined from historical, contemporary and personal perspectives.

These courses serve as credit toward earning the 21-credit Certificate in Leadership Studies, and LDST 3220 and LDST 3330 serve as credit toward earning the 15-credit Minor in Leadership Studies. The Axel Leadership Development Series courses served as the foundation on which the academic certificate was developed and continue to serve an integral role in the curriculum of the certificate and minor.