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Feature: Leaders Across Campus

Author: rcooney

The Leadership Studies Program has been working to connect with leaders throughout the ISU campus and we wanted to highlight some of the folks we have connected with over the last year and what they had to say about what leadership means to them.

Dr. Susan Harper, Co-curricular Student Development Director, Dean of Students Office

 “I approach leadership in my role and in my life as an act of love. When we love people, we are able to do hard things because we do them together. When we love people, we want to see them become the best versions of themselves. Leading from a place of love helps us to truly see the full humanity of other people, and I believe that can transform society.”

Dr. Anthony Peavy, COMST Faculty Member and LDST Affiliate

“A strong leader is one who is willing to simultaneously motivate and learn from people of all sorts of cultures and social communities. In implementing leadership practices in my role at the university, I aim to adapt to the needs of those within my sphere of influence in order to help support and guide them toward success.”

Ben Chamberlain, College of Agriculture Academic Advisor

 “At this point in my career, I view leadership as creating systems and environments where others can be successful. I find fulfillment in knowing that my efforts may have contributed in some small way to someone being able to achieve or accomplish something.”

Mike Bootsma, Accounting; Dean’s Teaching Fellow and Professor

“Leadership requires one to see the potential in others in order to both develop and share responsibility. You can’t be a leader unless you have someone to lead.”

Dr. Monic Behnken, Associate Dean in College of LAS

“The best leadership advice I ever got was to wait. I responded, “Wait for what?” The person told me, “Wait until you hear your authentic voice. You only have one time to get it right, so give yourself time to respond in a way that truly reflects your values and your vision.” This advice has served me well through the years.”

Monica Martinez, TRIO Assistant Director

“I always try to see things from an equity perspective. I’m not here to tell anyone what to do, everything I present to those I supervise is an opportunity to learn, grow, and integrate their own thoughts, ideas, and creativity to build ownership over their achievements. ”