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Congratulations to 2020 Leadership Studies graduate, Megan Wallace!

Author: rcooney

Megan Wallace will receive a Leadership Studies Minor and a degree in Communication Studies from Iowa State University. Congratulations, Megan!

What are your career plans after graduation?

I will be moving to Eau Claire, Wisconsin to pursue a career in Human Resources.


What other goals do you have for your life after graduation (hobbies, travel, self-improvement, etc.)? 

I plan on traveling once the coronavirus is over. I am also getting a dog right after I graduate and will be looking for my own place.


What was your favorite Leadership Studies class? And why?

My favorite class was Management 371 because the professor I had related everything back to life, and I really enjoyed that class.


How do you feel Leadership Studies has made an impact on you?

Leadership Studies has helped me become a better all-around leader. It has made me more aware of situations and how to address them.


After your time in the program, what is your definition of leadership?

Leadership is an action taken by a person to guide a group of people to their preferred goal.


What is your favorite memory from being at ISU? 

The Iowa vs Iowa State game this year in Ames.


What would you say to someone considering a Leadership Studies minor or certificate?

Everybody needs to take this if they want to be a leader in any career.