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Congratulations to 2020 Leadership Studies graduate, Jen Dudley!

Author: rcooney

Jen Dudley will receive a Leadership Studies Certificate and a degree in Communication Studies from Iowa State University. Congratulations, Jen!

What are your career plans after graduation?

I just accepted a job at Rolling Hills Bank and Trust!


What other goals do you have for your life after graduation (hobbies, travel, self-improvement, etc.)? 

I would like to travel the world to experience all the different opportunities that are available!


What was your favorite Leadership Studies class? And why?

My favorite Leadership Studies class was my Leadership Studies 270. This is a class where we got to interact with a company and help them better their company or find resources that could help them in the future!


How do you feel Leadership Studies has made an impact on you?

It really opened my eyes to the many characteristics that a leader can possess and how it benefits others. I have met so many friends within the Leadership Program!


After your time in the program, what is your definition of leadership?

Characteristics that a person holds that make others look up to them, while also wanting their followers to begin to possess those characteristics.


What activities, clubs, groups were you a member of at ISU?

I was a part of the Event Management Club, Communication Studies Club, and the Leadership Studies Club.


What is your favorite memory from being at ISU? 

My first Leadership Studies class. Getting to work with the Boys and Girls Club really was a great experience. Getting to know the kids and working with them each week was awesome!


What would you say to someone considering a Leadership Studies minor or certificate?

Do it! It is a great experience and you are able to learn so much that will help you in your future!